
About LABS...

LABS Building Services Ltd is a family run business based in Sheffield, South Yorkshire. We specialise in basement conversions, structural waterproofing, damp proofing, and timber treatments.

Wood Worm Treatment

  • Common furniture beetle (anobium punctatum)
  • Death watch beetle (xestobium rufovillosum)
  • Wood boring weevils (pentarthrum huttoni )

Wood worm is a catch-all term to describe a variety of wood-boring beetles and weevils that can invade and deteriorate your property. After entering a property, the beetles seek out the appropriate conditions (Such as the timbers in your basement) to lay their eggs. They do this in small cracks in the floor boarding, joists, furniture or any other timber source they can find. The larvae then eat their way into the timberwork after hatching.

Signs of woodworm only appear once the damage is done and the adult eats its way out. This is when you will begin to see the exit holes and a saw dust like substance underneath as they leave behind the debris of their exit. At this stages it can be treated with chemical spray treatments, however if left untreated they can cause the structural integrity of some timbers to fail, leading to a risk of damage to your property.

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If you think you have an outbreak of wood worm, give LABS a call. We have over 30 years experience in dealing with and eradicating timber issues and are happy to send out one of our trained assessors!

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